Meaning of Ajay Kumar

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Name  Ajay Kumar  generally means  Unconquerable or  Invincible or  Unconquered is a  Masculine  (or Boy) name. Name  Ajay Kumar  has  Indian  origin and person with this name are mainly  Hindu  by religion. Name belongs to Rashi  Mesh (Aries)  with dominant Planet (Graha)  Mars (Mangal)  and Nakshatra (lunar mansion)  Krithika.
Meaning: Unconquerable,  Invincible,  Unconquered
Origin: Indian
Religion: Hindu
Gender: Boy
Rashi: Mesh (Aries)
Nakshatra: Krithika
Graha: Mars (Mangal)
Quality of: Aries (Mesh)
For  Ajay Kumar, find  CompatibilityNumerologyRashiLucky Number.

Meaning of name 'Ajay Kumar' for different Origin

IndianUnconquerable,  InvincibleBoy

Meaning of name 'Ajay Kumar' for different Religion

HinduUnconquerable,  InvincibleBoy

Meaning of name 'Ajay Kumar' for different Rashi

RashiMeaningGenderQuality of
Mesh (Aries)Unconquerable,  InvincibleBoyAries

Meaning of name 'Ajay Kumar' for different Graha

Mars (Mangal)UnconqueredBoy

Meaning of name 'Ajay Kumar' for different Nakshatra

KrithikaUnconquerable,  InvincibleBoy

Meaning of name 'Ajay Kumar' in different Language

Origin:  Indian ( MarathiGujaratiTeluguBengaliMalayalamPunjabiKannadaTamil )
Religion:  Hindu
Rashi:  Mesh
Nakshatra:  Krithika
Graha:  Mangal (Mars)
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
For name  Ajay Kumar,  find its  OriginGenderRashiReligionSummaryCompatibilityNumerologyBirthstoneAuspicious stonesLucky Number, color, day, time, metal, stone and more.
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Locally this name is spelled as  ਅਜਯ,  అజయ,  ಅಜಯ,  अजय,  অজয,  அஜய,  അജയ,  અજય
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