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Sibling names for 'Ujjawal'

AalokIndianBrightness,  Light,  Cry of victory,  A man with lovely hairBoy
AalokSanskritBrightness,  Light,  Cry of victory,  A man with lovely hairBoy
AbhatiIndianSplendor,  LightGirl
AbhisyantaIndianSplendid,  A son of Kuru and VahiniBoy
AbhisyantaIndianSplendid,  Son of Kuru and VahiniBoy
AbhisyantaSanskritSplendid,  A son of Kuru and VahiniBoy
AgnipravaIndianBright as fireBoy
AgnipravaIndianBright as the fireBoy
AgnipravaSanskritBright as the fireBoy
AgniveshIndianBright as fireBoy
AgniveshIndianBright as the fireBoy
AgniveshIndianBright as the fire,  Dhronacharya's guruBoy
AgniveshIndianDhronacharya's Guru,  Bright as the fireBoy
AgniveshSanskritDhronacharya's Guru,  Bright as the fireBoy
Akira  (,  )JapaneseBright,  Clear,  Dawnunisex
AlokIndianBrightness,  Cry of victoryBoy
AlokIndianBrightness,  Light,  Cry of victory,  A man with lovely hairBoy
AlokSanskritBrightness,  Light,  Cry of victory,  A man with lovely hairBoy
AmalIndianBright,  Clean,  Pure,  Hope,  WishGirl
AmalIndianPure,  Hope,  Aspiration,  BrightBoy
AmitiyotiIndianLimitless brightnessBoy
AmlanIndianUnfading,  Ever brightBoy
AmohaIndianClear,  StraightBoy
AmohaIndianPure,  Errorless,  Clear,  StraightGirl
AnimeshIndianBright,  Open eyed therefore attractiveBoy
AnimeshIndianBright,  Open eyed,  AttractiveBoy
AnshulIndianRadiant,  Bright,  Intelligent personBoy
AnuprabhaIndianBrightness,  Followed by gloryGirl
AnuradhaIndianA Bright StarGirl
AnuradhaIndianBright starGirl
AnuradhaIndianBright star,  Lord Krishna's consortGirl
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 Similar sounding names:
 Ucchal,  Ujaala,  Ujala,  Ujhala,  Ujjal,  Ujjawal,  Ujjwal,  Ujjwala,  Ujjwala/Ujvala,  Ujwal,  Ujwala,  Uzal,  Uziel,  Uzziel
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