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Sibling names for 'Hazrat'

AishaIndianLiving,  Prosperous,  Wife of prophet MohammedGirl
AushahIndianWife of prophet MuhammadGirl
AyeshaIndianProphet Mohammad's wifeGirl
AyshahIndianWife of prophet MuhammadGirl
DurrahIndianPearl,  Companion of prophet MuhammadGirl
FatemehIndianProphet Mohammad's daughterGirl
FatimaIndianDaughter of prophet Muhammad (SAW)Girl
FatimahIndianDaughter of prophet Muhammad (SAW)Girl
HaajarIndianProphet Ismail's motherGirl
HaajaraIndianProphet Ismail's motherGirl
HaazimaIndianGenerosity,  Prophet's grandfatherGirl
HafsahIndianWife of prophet MuhammadGirl
HajarIndianWife of prophet IbrahimGirl
HajrahIndianWife of prophet IbrahimGirl
HazimahIndianFemale companion of the prophetGirl
HishmaIndianCompanion of prophet Muhammad,  GenerousGirl
JahdamahIndianFemale companion of the prophetGirl
JaveriaIndianName of prophet Muhammad's wifeGirl
JaveriaIndianProphet Mohammad's wifeGirl
JuwariyahIndianWife of prophet MuhammadGirl
KadshahIndianCompanion of prophet MuhammadGirl
KhadeejaIndianProphet Mohammad's wifeGirl
KhadijahIndianFirst wife of the prophet,  First woman to accept IslamGirl
KulthoomIndianDaughter of the prophet MohammedGirl
MaimunahIndianWife of prophet MuhammadGirl
ManeeIndianA painter who later claimed to be a prophetGirl
MehmoodaIndianBeloved,  A prophet of IslamGirl
NusaybaIndianProper nameGirl
QaylahIndianCompanion of prophet MuhammadGirl
QutaylahIndianCompanion of prophet MuhammadGirl
RuqayaIndianName of the prophet Mohammad's daughterGirl
RuqayyahIndianName of the prophet Mohammad's daughterGirl
SafoorahIndianWife of prophet MusaGirl
SaraaIndianProphet Ibrahim's wife,  Pure,  HappyGirl
SarahIndianProphet Ibrahim's wife,  Pure,  HappyGirl
SarraIndianCompanion of prophet MuhammadGirl
SawdaIndianA wife of the ProphetGirl
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 Similar sounding names:
 Hazrat,  Hjordis,  Hugiherahta
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