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Sibling names for 'Nicole'

AilseEnglishElf victoryGirl
AilseIndianElf victoryGirl
AilsieEnglishElf victoryGirl
AilsieIndianElf victoryGirl
AmmihudEnglishOne of the people of JudahBoy
AmmihudIndianOne of the people of JudahBoy
AmranEnglishThe people is exaltedBoy
AmranIndianThe people is exaltedBoy
BereniceEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BereniceFrenchBringer of victoryGirl
BereniceIndianBringer of victoryGirl
BernettaEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BernettaIndianBringer of victoryGirl
BerniceEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BerniceFrenchOne who brings victoryGirl
BerniceIndianBringer of victoryGirl
BernieceEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BernieceIndianBringer of victoryGirl
BunnyEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BunnyIndianBringer of victoryGirl
CherokeeEnglishPrincipal peopleUnisex
CherokeeIndianPrincipal peopleUnisex
ColeEnglishBlack,  Coal,  Victory of the peopleBoy
ColeIndianBlack,  Coal,  Victory of the peopleBoy
ColetteEnglishVictory of the peopleGirl
ColetteFrenchVictory of the peopleGirl
ColetteIndianVictory of the peopleGirl
ColinFrenchVictory of the peopleBoy
CollinFrenchVictory of the peopleBoy
DerekEnglishFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DerekIndianFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DerickEnglishFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DerickIndianFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
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