indian baby names
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Indian Baby Names
Indian Hindu names, Muslim names, Christian names, Sikh names, Jain names, Buddhist names, Parsi names

International Baby Names
Names from more than 130 origins, African, Albanian, Anglo-Saxon, Arabian, Aramaic, Armenian, Basque, Biblical, Bulgarian, Celtic, Chamoru, Chinese, Croatian, Czech & Slovak, Danish, Dutch, Egyptian, English and more.

Indian Regional Names
Marathi names, Gujarati names, Punjabi names, Kannada names, Tamil names, Bengali names, Telugu names, Malayalam names

Twins Name
Names for twins baby, Boy-Girl twins names, Boy-Boy twins names, Girl-Girl twins names

Names by Rashi
Names by Rashi (starsign), Names by Planet (graha), Names by Nakshatra (lunar mansion), Sanskrit names, God names, Goddess names, 108 Names of God / Goddess, Zodiac Astrology, Chinese Astrology

Top 100 Names
Top Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh names, Top English, Arabic, Chinese, French, American, Japanes, Russian, German, Korean, Italian names

Indian and International Surnames (Family Names)
Indian surnames, International surnames, Surnames by Origin, Surnames by Language, Hindu surnames, Muslim surnames, Christian surnames

Baby health, Adult health, Growth chart, Adult RDA, Children RDA, Skin care, Vaccination, Oral care, BMI, BMR, Weight Management, Body Fat, Overweight, Underweight, Obesity Treatment, Food Calories

Pregnancy Calculators (due date, ovulation, fertility, safe period, fetal growth, fetal size), How to get pregnant, Signs & Symptoms, Pregnancy tests, IVF, Menstruation, Pregnancy Trimester, Pregnancy month by month, Pregnancy week by week, Embryonic period, Calendar & Charts

Birth Control   (Family Planning)
Birth Control Calculators, Birth control methods, FAQs, Contraceptive devices and medications, Emergency contraceptives, Abortion, Oral pills, IUDs, Cervical caps, Condoms, Diaphragms, Contraceptive sponge, Implants under the skin, Patches, Vaginal ring, Sterilization

Name Astrology, Birth-date Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Zodiac Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Compatibility Calculators, Names by Rashi, Nakshatra (lunar mansion), Planet (Graha), Names of God & Goddess, 108 Names, Names by Religion

Name Search
Advance Name search, Meaning of name, Origin of name, Gender of name, Rashi of name, Numerology of name, Religion from name, Similar sounding names, Variants of name, Names for Twins, Baby Name Generator, Sibling Name Generator, Twins Name Generator, Popular names, Names for Home, Villa, Pets, Names that means, In-depth information of name

Surname Search
Meaning of Surname, Origin of Surname, Similar sounding surnames, Indian & International Surnames, Surname by Origin, Surname by Language (mother-tongue), Surname by Religion, Hindu Surnames, Muslim Surnames, Christian Surnames

Nursery Rhymes & Short Stories
Find Nursery rhymes and short stories for babies and grownup


More Topics

Name Generators

»   Baby Name Generator  (baby name from parent's name)
»   Sibling Name Generator  (baby name from sibling name)
»   Twins Name Calculator  (name for twins)
»   Similar Name Calculator  (similar sounding names)
»   Name Variants Calculator  (different ways to spell)
»   Name Search Tool
»   Surname Search Tool

Name search tools

»   Find a Name  (Search Name)
»   Find Meaning of name
»   Find in-depth information of name
»   Find Summary of name
»   Find Origin of name
»   Find Gender of name  (Gender Calculator / Predictor)
»   Find Rashi of name
»   Find Numerology of name
»   Find Religion from name  (Only informative, do not discriminate humans by religion)
»   List Names similar to ...  (Similar sounding names)
»   Find Variant of name
»   Find Names for Twins
»   Generate Baby names from Parent names  (Baby Name Generator)
»   Generate Sibling names for ... (Sibling Name Generator)
»   Twins Name Calculator  (Twins Name Generator)
»   Find Top 100 names  (Most Popular Names)
»   Names for Home, Villa, Pets and more
»   List Names that means ...

Surname (Family name) search tools

»   Find a Surname  (Search Surname)
»   Find Meaning of Surname
»   Find Origin of Surname
»   List Surnames similar to... (Similar sounding surnames)
»   Indian Surnames
»   International Surnames
»   Surname by State  (region of origin)
»   Surname by Language  (mother-tongue)
»   Surname by Religion
»   Hindu Surnames
»   Muslim Surnames
»   Christian Surnames


»   Zodiac Astrology
»   Chinese Astrology
»   Find your Star sign
»   Find your Birthstone
»   Find Name Numerology
»   Find Lucky number, color, stone, day and more
»   Find Auspicious stones for your name
»   Names by Rashi, Planets, Nakshatra (lunar mansion)
»   Different names of God, Goddess, 108 Names
»   Find Compatibility by Zodiac  (Rashi Compatibility)
»   Birthday Compatibility Calculator
»   Astrological Compatibility of Name  (Name compatibility)
»   Chinese Star sign Compatibility
»   Birth-date Compatibility using Chinese Astrology

Health Tools

»   BMI Calculator  (Body Mass Index)
»   Body Fat Calculator
»   BMR Calculator  (daily calorie requirement)
»   Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator
»   Calories Calculator  (Calories burned in different activities)
»   Calories in food  (Find calories in common food items)
»   Weight of common food items  (volume to weight)
»   Cooking Conversion
»   Baby Growth Calculator
»   Ideal Weight Calculator  (for Adult)
»   Weight Management  (for Adult)


»   Due Date Calculator  (Pregnancy)
»   When is Ovulation  (Ovulation Calculator)
»   Fertility Calculator  (Pregnancy Calculator)
»   Safe Period Calculator
»   Fetal Growth Calculator  (Fetal growth in different weeks)
»   Fetal Size Calculator  (Size of fetus in different weeks)
»   Pregnancy Week by Week
»   Pregnancy Month by Month
»   Pregnancy Trimester
»   Signs or Symptoms of Pregnancy
»   Pregnancy Tests
»   Birth Control  (Family Planning)

Birth Control

»   Birth Control Overview
»   Different methods of birth control
»   Different Contraceptive & Medications
»   Comparison of birth control methods
»   Effect on Health
»   Effect on family economy
»   Birth Control FAQs
»   Safe Period Calculator
»   When is Ovulation  (Ovulation Calculator)

Partner Compatibility

»   Name Compatibility  (Astrological Compatibility of Name)
»   Zodiac Compatibility
»   Birthday Compatibility
»   Match by Chinese Astrology
»   Chinese Birth-date Compatibility

Names List

»   Auspicious stone for names
»   Luck for names
»   Numerology of names
»   Rashi of names
»   Sibling name list
»   Boy names
»   Girl names
»   Unisex names
»   Twins names
»   Names by Gender
»   Names by Language
»   Names by Origin
»   Names by Planet
»   Names by Rashi
»   Names by Religion
»   Names by Nakshatra  (lunar mansion)
»   Indian names
»   International names
»   Regional names
»   Top 100 Names  (popular names)

Other Tools

»   Gender Calculator
»   Sibling Names Generator
»   Name Generator
»   Clothing Conversion  (cloth size in different region)
»   Shoe Size Conversion  (shoe size in different region)
»   Blood Sugar Conversion
»   Cooking Conversion
»   Zodiac Astrology  (Signs of Zodiac)
»   Chinese Astrology
»   Volume to Weight of common food items
»   Your weight on different planets