Christian names

BarryFair headedBoy
BartSon of TalmaiBoy
BartholomewSon of TalmaiBoy
BartletSon of TalmaiBoy
BartleyBart's (Bartholomew's) meadowBoy
BarzilaiMan of IronBoy
BarzillaiMan of IronBoy
BasKing, Basil (the herb)Boy
BasemathSpice, Sweet smellingGirl
BashemathSpice, Sweet smellingGirl
BasilKing, Basil (the herb)Boy
BasmathSpice, Sweet smellingGirl
BassettLow, ShortBoy
BastianFrom SebasteBoy
BaxterFemale BakerBoy
BayardReddish brown, Bright bay colorBoy
BazKing, Basil (the herb)Boy
BeaVoyager through lifeGirl
BeatieVoyager through lifeGirl
BeatriceVoyager through lifeGirl
BeatrixVoyager through lifeGirl
BeauHandsome, French word, BeautifulBoy
BeaumontBeautiful MountainBoy
BeauregardBeautiful Aspect, Beautiful OutlookBoy
BeavisShining oneBoy
BeccaOne who snares, TrapsGirl
BecciOne who snares, TrapsGirl
BeckaOne who snares, TrapsGirl
BeckahOne who snares, TrapsGirl
BeckyOne who snares, TrapsGirl
BedivereGrave KnowerBoy
BeeVoyager through lifeGirl
BeelzebubLord of dungBoy
BekkiOne who snares, TrapsGirl
BelindaBright Serpent, Bright Linden TreeGirl
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