A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NameMeaningGenderOriginAbelardusNoble StrengthBoyGermanAbelia Girl Abelia GirlLatinAbilioAble, Proficient, Skillful, ExpertBoyLatinAbrahamusFather of a multitudeBoyHebrewAcacallisDaffodilGirlGreekAcaciusNot EvilBoyGreekAcanthaThornGirlGreekAcca Girl AccaliaEagleGirl AcciusOf AccaBoyRomanAchaicusBelonging to AchaiaBoyGreekAchillHe who embodies the grief of the peopleBoy AchilleaHe who embodies the grief of the peopleGirl AchillesHe who embodies the grief of the peopleBoy AchilleusHe who embodies the grief of the peopleBoyGreekAcquilinaEagleGirlRomanAcrisiusLocustBoyGreekActaeonEffulgenceBoyGreekActeonEffulgenceBoy AdalheidisNoble SortGirlGermanAdalricusNoble RulerBoyGermanAdelaNobleGirlGermanAdelaNobleGirlLatinAdelfonsusNoble and readyBoy AdeliaNobleGirl AdelphaSibling, Born of the same wombGirl AdelphiaSibling, Born of the same wombGirl AdelphusSibling, Born of the same wombBoyGreekAdeodatusGiven to GodBoyRomanAdolfusNoble WolfBoyGermanAdolphNoble wolfBoyLatinAdolphaNoble wolfGirlLatinAdolphaNoble WolfGirl AdolphusNoble WolfBoyGermanAdorabellaAdored BeautyGirl AdorabelleAdored BeautyGirl Next Page ► Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z