Names of Yoruba origin

AbeniWe Asked for Her and We Got HerAfricanGirl
AbidemiBorn During Father's AbsenceAfricanBoy
AbimbolaBorn WealthyAfricanUnisex
AbiodunBorn on a FestivalAfricanUnisex
AbioyeBorn in RoyaltyAfricanBoy
AdebowaleMy Crown has come HomeAfricanUnisex
AdegokeThe Crown has been ExaltedAfricanBoy
AdetokunboThe Crown came from the SeaAfricanBoy
AdisaOne who is ClearAfricanBoy
AfolabiBorn in to WealthAfricanBoy
AlabaSecond Child Born after TwinsAfricanGirl
AyodeleJoy has come HomeAfricanUnisex
AyokunleOne who filled the Home with JoyAfricanBoy
AyomideMy Joy has ComeAfricanUnisex
AyotundeJoy has ReturnedAfricanUnisex
BabajideMy Father has come to Life AgainAfricanBoy
BabatundeFather has ReturnedAfricanBoy
BamideleFollow Me HomeAfricanBoy
BimbolaBorn to WealthAfricanBoy
BoladeThe Coming of HonorAfricanGirl
BolanileThe Riches of this HouseAfricanGirl
BolanleFinds Wealth At HomeAfricanGirl
BosedeBorn on SundayAfricanBoy
DadaCurly HairAfricanGirl
DayoJoy ArrivesAfricanGirl
EkundayoSorrow Becomes JoyAfricanUnisex
EnitanA Person of Story, RenownedAfricanBoy
FolamiRespect and Honor MeAfricanBoy
IdowuBorn after TwinsAfricanUnisex
IgeBorn Feet FirstAfricanGirl
KayinCelebrated ChildAfricanUnisex
KayodeHe Brought JoyAfricanBoy
MojisolaWake Up To WealthAfricanGirl
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