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Sibling names for 'Kaananbabu'

AngarikaIndianFlame colored flower,  Flame of the forestGirl
AngarikaIndianFlame colored flower,  Palash,  Flame of the forestGirl
KananIndianA Garden,  ForestGirl
KananIndianGarden,  ForestGirl
KananIndianGarden,  Forest,  JungleGirl
KananbalaIndianNymph of the forestGirl
KunjalataIndianForest creeperGirl
KunjanaIndianForest girlGirl
MalayaIndianCreeper,  ForestGirl
ShrestaIndianForemost,  Best,  FirstGirl
VanajaIndianA Forest GirlGirl
VanajaIndianDaughter of forest,  Forest girlGirl
VanajaIndianForest girlGirl
VanamalaIndianGarland of forestsGirl
VanathiIndianOf the forestGirl
VanmalaIndianWild flower garland,  String of forestsGirl
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Gender:  SameOppositeBoy onlyGirl onlyAny
Origin:  AnySame
Religion:  AnySame
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 Similar sounding names:
 Kaanan,  Kanaan,  Kanan,  Kanene,  Kanon,  Kanuna,  Keenan,  Kenan,  Kenina,  Kinaana,  Konani
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