Calculate and compare growth of your baby at different age from they are born, in their teens, till they attend 18 years of age. Find ideal weight & height of your baby (child) at different age Find Growth of Baby at different Age ...Gender: BoyGirlBaby Age: At Birth1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months11 months1 year1.5 year (18 months)2 years2.5 years (30 months)3 years4 years5 years6 years7 years8 years9 years10 years11 years12 years13 years14 years15 years16 years17 years18 years Try Wizard?Please Select Baby Gender and Age and click 'Calculate' Related ...» Due Date Calculator» When is Ovulation (Ovulation Calculator)» Fertility Calculator» Safe Period Calculator» Fetal Growth Calculator» Fetal Size Calculator» Pregnancy weeks (Pregnancy week by week)» Pregnancy months (Pregnancy month by month)» Pregnancy Trimester» Fetal length and weight chart» Signs or Symptoms of Pregnancy» How to get Pregnant» Pregnancy tests» When to test for pregnancy» IVF (In vitro fertilization)» Birth Control» Baby Growth calculator» Height and weight chart for Infant, Children» Vaccination schedule for Indian children» BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)» Calories Calculator» Calories in Food» Find Meaning of name» Find Origin of name» Sibling Name Calculator» Baby Name Generator» Find Family name (Surname) Information» Find Origin of Family name (Surname)» Birthday Compatibility Calculator» Astrological Compatibility of Name» Your weight on different planets» Zodiac Astrology (Signs of Zodiac) Topic list ...Boy namesGirl namesUnisex namesTwins namesIndian namesInternational namesRegional namesNames by ReligionName GeneratorsName ListName Search ToolsTop 100 namesCompatibility Calc'sOther namesIndian SurnamesInternational SurnamesSurname by LanguageSurname by ReligionSurname by StateSurname Search Tools108 NamesAstrology (of name)God namesGoddess namesNames by NakshatraNames by PlanetNames by RashiNames by OriginHealth CalculatorsPregnancyBirth ControlParentingBaby CeremoniesRhymesStoriesToolsMeaning of nameGender of nameOrigin of nameName numerologyRashi of nameLucky numberChinese AstrologyZodiac AstrologyReligion from nameSimilar namesTwins name calculatorName that means …Variant of nameSurname InfoSafe Period CalculatorFertility CalculatorFetal Growth CalculatorPreg. Due Date CalcPreg. Week by WeekBaby Growth Calculator