Year of Rat   (Chinese Astrology)

The Rat (子 zi)
Sign location:
1st sign in Chinese zodiac
Ruling hours:
11pm ~ 1am
To make a difference in the world
Life Pursuit:
To live the good life
Winter (December)
Lunar Month:
December 6 ~ January 6
Lucky Color:
Overly expressive - frequent burnouts
Best match with Dragon (辰), Monkey (申), Ox (丑) and low compatibility with Rat (子), Snake (巳), Pig (亥), Dog (戌), Tiger (寅)
Non matching signs:
No match with Horse (午), Rabbit (卯)
Rats have keen observation skills, they can deduce much about others and situations. Rats are full of good advice; they are honest as an individual and enjoy living in the moment. Rats are charismatic, charming, meticulous, intelligent, industrious, eloquent, ambitious, and practical. As a negative trait Rat's are controlling, manipulative, cruel, vengeful, resentful, stubborn

Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming; they have a tendency to become aggressive and are capable of surviving any situation
Rats enjoy good health. Mostly they’re very active, well-shaped and immune to sickness.
Rats are extremely perceptive, focused, creative, administrative and wise in their career. Rats are title or status loving. Rats have high managerial and entrepreneurial skills
Rats are very charming, a true relationship builders. They socially very active and find more enjoyment in social activities
Influence of Element (Wu Xing):

Metal Rats are strong-willed individuals, highly determinate, emotionally intense, possessive and obstinate.

Water Rats are extremely influential, smart, insightful, excellent problem solver, Practical and understanding

Wood Rats never expose vulnerability to others. They often suffer from fear of failing

Fire Rats are spontaneous, practical, adventures, zestful, spirited and kind

Earth Rats are spontaneous and prefer stability

Quality of:

 Rat (子 zi) Ox (丑 chou) Tiger (寅 yin)
 Rabbit (卯 mao) Dragon (辰 chen) Snake (巳 si)
 Horse (午 wu) Goat (未 wei) Monkey (申 shen)
 Rooster (酉 you) Dog (戌 xu) Pig (亥 hai)


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See Also:

 »   Zodiac Astrology & Hindu Rashi
 »   Zodiac & Personality
 »   Do's and Don'ts for all zodiac signs
 »   Zodiac - Check out who is your Perfect Match?
