Page: 1 2 3 4 5 NameMeaningGenderOriginAlfElfBoy AlfhildrElf battleGirl AlfsigrElf victoryGirl AlrekrPowerful, Ruler of allBoy AnundTriumph of the ancestorBoy AnundrTriumph of the ancestorBoy AnvindrTriumph of the ancestorBoy AriBraveBoy ArnbargEagle protectionGirl ArneEagle powerBoy ArngeirEagle spearBoy ArnkellEagle Helmet, Eagle protectionBoy ArnlaugEagle devoteeBoy ArnljotEagle frightenerBoy ArnthorEagle of ThorBoy AsbjornDivine bearBoy Asgeirr Boy AsketillOf the god, GodlyBoy AsmundrGod protectorBoy AstridrBeautifulGirl AstrithrBeautifulGirl BaldrPrinceBoy BergdisSpirit protectionGirl BergthorSpirit of ThorBoy BergthoraSpirit of ThorGirl BjartrFlash, BrightBoy BorghildBattle fortGirl BothildrCompensation, RemedyGirl BrandrFlash, BrightBoy BrandtSwordBoy BriscoeBirch WoodBoyNorseBrokkMagical object of godBoy BruadarDreamBoy BrynhildArmored, Warrior womanGirl BrynhildrArmored, Warrior womanGirl ColbyCoal settlementBoyNorseDagnaNew dayGirl Next Page ► Page: 1 2 3 4 5