Names meaning Ae

Names & Surnames that means ...

List of Names meaning 'Ae'

AethelwulfingAnglo-SaxonSon of AethulwulfBoy
BilvaIndianAuspicious Fruit - Bael,  A sacred leafGirl
BilvaSanskritAuspicious Fruit - Bael,  A sacred leafGirl
BilwaIndianAuspicious Fruit - Bael,  A sacred leafGirl
BilwaSanskritAuspicious Fruit - Bael,  A sacred leafGirl
CaietanusLatinFrom Caieta (Gaeta,  Italy)Boy
CarmichaelScottishFriend of Saint MichaelBoy
EsmaeelIndianIshmael (Son of Abraham)Boy
EsmaeelIranian (Persian)Ishmael (Son of Abraham)Boy
GaetanFrenchForm GaeteBoy
GaetanaFrenchFrom GaeteGirl
GaetanaItalianFrom GaetaGirl
GaetaneFrenchFrom GaeteGirl
GaetaneItalianFrom GaeteGirl
GaetanoItalianFrom GaetaBoy
KajetanPolishFrom GaetaBoy
KermichilScottishFrom Michael's FortressBoy
PaytonEnglishPaega's settlementUnisex
PaytonIndianPaega's settlementUnisex
PeytonEnglishPaega's settlementGirl
PeytonIndianPaega's settlementGirl
RetoGermanOf RhaetiaBoy
TriparnaIndianLeaf of sacred baelGirl
Origin:  SanskritItalianAnglo-SaxonPolishLatinGermanFrenchScottishEnglishIndianPersian (Iranian)
Religion:  HinduChristianMuslim
Rashi:  VrushabhSinhTula
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
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