Sibling names for Lakhi

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Sibling names for 'Lakhi'

BhargaviIndianGoddess Durga,  Laxmi,  Parvati,  Daughter of SunBoy
DhanshreeIndianGoddess LaxmiBoy
KamalnathIndianLord of goddess Laxmi,  Lord VishnuBoy
LakshmikantIndianLord Vishnu,  Husband of goddess LaxmiBoy
LakshmikantIndianVishnu,  Husband of goddess LaxmiBoy
LakshminarayanIndianGoddess Laxmi and lord Vishnu togetherBoy
LakshminathIndianConsort of goddess Laxmi,  Lord VishnuBoy
LakshmipatiIndianHusband of goddess LaxmiBoy
LakshmipatiIndianHusband of goddess Laxmi,  Lord VishnuBoy
MalavIndianAnsh of goddess LaxmiBoy
MalavIndianAnsh of LaxmiBoy
PriyangiIndianGoddess LaxmiBoy
ShreedharIndianHusband of goddess LaxmiBoy
ShreedharIndianHusband of LaxmiBoy
ShreenivasIndianAbode Of Laxmi (Vaikunth,  Vishnu)Boy
ShreepriyaIndianLover of goddess LaxmiBoy
ShreevallabhIndianLord of goddess LaxmiBoy
ShrinivasIndianAbode of goddess LaxmiBoy
SridharIndianPossessor of goddess Laxmi,  Possessor of good fortune,  Lord VishnuBoy
SuprasannaIndianEver cheerful and beaming,  Goddess LaxmiBoy
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