Sibling names for Leota

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Sibling names for 'Leota'

ArvinGermanFriend of peopleBoy
ClausGermanVictory of the peopleBoy
DarekGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DederickGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DedricGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DedrichGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DedrickGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DedrikGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DereckGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerekGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerickGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerikGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerrekGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerrickGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerrikGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DeryckGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DerykGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DidiGermanWarrior of the peopleBoy
DiederichGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DiederickGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DiederikGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DiedrichGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DiedrickGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DierckGermanRuler of the peopleBoy
DierkGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DieterGermanWarrior of the peopleBoy
DietfriedGermanOf the peaceful peopleBoy
DiethelmGermanProtector of the peopleBoy
DietlindeGermanOf the soft peopleBoy
DietmarGermanOf the famous peopleBoy
DietrichGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DietzGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
DirkGermanFirst of the people,  King of nationsBoy
KlausGermanVictory of the peopleBoy
LeudboldGermanPeople BoldBoy
LiutbertGermanPeople BrightBoy
LubbertGermanPeople BrightBoy
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