A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NameMeaningGenderAaranLight BringerBoyAarenHigh mountain, Light bringerUnisexAaronExalted on high, Light BringerBoyAarronExalted on high, Light BringerBoyAbFather of lightBoyAbaddonDestruction, RuinationBoyAbbotFather, PriestBoyAbbottFather, PriestBoyAbdonServant, WorshiperBoyAbeFather of a multitude, Bow for an arrowBoyAbelVanity, Transitory, Breath, BreathingBoyAbellVanity, HerdsmanBoyAbeyFather of a multitudeBoyAbiaYahweh is my fatherUnisexAbiahYahweh is my fatherUnisexAbidaFather of knowledgeBoyAbidahFather of knowledgeBoyAbidanMy father is judgeBoyAbieFather of a multitudeBoyAbielEl (God) is my fatherBoyAbihailFather of mightUnisexAbihuHe is my fatherBoyAbijahYahweh is my fatherUnisexAbimaelMy father is El (God)BoyAbimelechMelek is father, My father is kingBoyAbinoamFather of pleasantnessBoyAbiramMy father is exaltedBoyAbishaiMy father is Jesse, My father is a giftBoyAbishalomFather of peaceBoyAbiudMy father is majestyBoyAbleVanity, HerdsmanBoyAbnarFather of lightBoyAbnerFather of lightBoyAbnorFather of lightBoyAbnurFather of lightBoyAbotFatherBoyAbottFatherBoy Next Page ► Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z