A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Page: 1 2 3 Sanskrit Boy NamesMeaningAadiFirstAadidevThe first god, Ancient godAadinathGod, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, The first GodAadityaSunAagamArrivalAagneySon of the Fire GodAagneyaSon of Agni, Son of the fireAalokBrightness, Light, Cry of victory, A man with lovely hairAamodPleasureAanandJoy, BlissAanjaneyaSon of Anjani, Name of HanumanAaryanIllustrious, Noble, SpiritualAatmajSonAatreyaName of a sageAayushmaanWith long lifeAayushmanWith long lifeAbhaidevFree of fearAbhayaFearlessAbhirathGreat CharioteerAbhisyantaSplendid, A son of Kuru and VahiniAcaryatanayaSon of the teacher, Another name for AswatthamaAchalesvaraGod of the immovable, Another name for ShivaAcharyanandanaSon of the teacher, Another name for AswatthamaAcharyasutaSon of the teacher, Another name for AswatthamaAchintyaLord Shiva, Inconceivable, Beyond comprehensionAchyutImperishable, A name of VishnuAdheeshKingAdhirajKingAdhritThe one who don't need any support but supports everyone, Lord VishnuAdikaviFirst poetAdinathLord VishnuAditeyaAnother name for the sun, Son of 'Aditi'AdityaThe sunAdityanandanSon of the sunAdripathiMaster of the mountainsAdvayaOne, UnitedAgastyaName of a sage Next Page ► Page: 1 2 3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z