Names meaning Luster

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List of Names meaning 'Luster'

AbhaIndianLuster,  Shine,  Lustrous beautyGirl
AbhaIndianBeautiful,  Luster,  ShineGirl
AbhaIndianLuster,  ShineGirl
AjitaabhIndianWhose luster can't be diminishedBoy
AmitavIndianLimitless luster,  Name of lord BuddhaBoy
AmitavIndianLimitless luster,  Lord BuddhaBoy
BhaanumatiIndianFull of luster,  FamousGirl
BhaanumatiSanskritFull of Luster,  FamousGirl
BhanumatiIndianFull of Luster,  Famous,  River Ganga,  Bright,  ShiningGirl
BhanumatiSanskritFull of Luster,  FamousGirl
ChandraabhaaIndianLuster of moon lightBoy
ChandrabhaIndianLuster of moon lightBoy
DeeptiIndianFlame,  Luster,  Glow,  ShineGirl
DeeptiIndianFlame,  Luster,  Full of lightGirl
DeeptiIndianFlame,  LusterGirl
DhuthiIndianSplendor,  LusterGirl
DhuthiIndianSplendor,  LusterGirl
DivyaIndianDivine lusterGirl
DivyaIndianDivine,  Divine Luster,  Heavenly,  Brilliant,  ExtraordinaryGirl
DivyaSanskritDivine,  Divine Luster,  Heavenly,  BrilliantGirl
DivyaprabhaIndianDevine lusterGirl
EshkolHebrewGrape ClusterBoy
IndulalIndianMoon's lusterBoy
KantiIndianLight,  Lovely,  Luster,  ShineGirl
KantiIndianLight,  LusterGirl
KantiSanskritLight,  Lovely,  LusterGirl
LavanyaIndianBeauty,  LusterGirl
LavanyaIndianBeauty,  Luster,  GraceGirl
ManjariIndianA cluster of blossoms,  Bud of a mango treeGirl
ManjushriIndianSweet lusterGirl
ManjushriIndianSweet luster,  Goddess LaxmiGirl
OjasIndianBody strength,  Luster,  Brilliance,  Shine,  GlowBoy
PradyotIndianLuster,  To illuminateBoy
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Origin:  HebrewIndianSanskrit
Religion:  JainHindu
Rashi:  MithunKanyaMeshDhanVrushabhMinKarkSinh
Nakshatra:  Purva ShadaPurva BhadraRevathiMakhaMoolaRohiniMrigashirasArudraAswiniSravanaAshleshaKrithika
Graha:  Mangal (Mars)Surya (Sun)Buddh (Mercury)Guru (Jupiter)
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
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