Prophet NamesMeaning AadilJust Aalim AhmedMost commendable Aleem AmeenTrustworthy AqibFollowing the last Arabi AwwalFirst AzizNoble; Dear Barr BashirBringer of good things Bayan Burhan Daa’in DainCaller Faateh Fasih FattahConqueror; Opener Ghani Gharib HaadiWho guides well HabibAllah’s beloved servant HafizPreserver HakeemWise; Judicious Hameed HamidPraising Haqun Harees un alaikum HashimunFamily of Hashim HashirWho gathers people Hashmi HijaziFrom the Hijaz Hujjat Imam JawwadGenerous; Magnanimous KarimGenerous KhalilGood friend Khatib KhatimSeal MaahiOne who wipes out infidelity Madni MahdiOne who is well guided Mahdi MahmoodPraised Makeen MansoorHelped by Allah; Victorious MateenFirm MohammedHighly praised MudassirCovered MujtabaElect Mukhtar MunirRadiant Muntahi MuqtasidAdopting a middle course Murabbi Murtaza MusaddiqOne who declares for true MustafaChosen Mutahhir Mutawassit Mutee Muttabe Muzakkir MuzammilWrapped NabiProphet Nakeer Naseer NasirHelper Natiq Nazari Nazir Noor Qaim QasimDistributor Qayyim QureshiFrom the clan of Quraish RahimMerciful RashidWell guided RasoolMessenger RaufMild Sabiq Sadiq Sahib Shaf in Shafey ShafiHealer ShaheedWitness; Martyr ShakoorMost grateful SirajLamp Ta haSura 20:1 TayyibGood TihamiFrom the Tihama UmmiUnlettered Waiz WaliFriend YasinSura 36:1 YatimOrphan ZahirOutward; External Zakir