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healthy weight

A healthy weight of an individual is of BMI ranging from 18.5 to 25 where BMI or body mass index is a measure of relative weight based on an individual's mass and height. Healthy weight however is regional (country) specific and many local authorities recommends different range of BMI for healthy weight like Hospital Authority of Hong Kong recommends BMI for healthy weight range as 18.5 to 22.9. A healthy weight person is generally regarded as having low risk towards developing heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

Even thought various new models is been invented to determine the healthy weight of an individual, the fat content of the human body and obesity such as Devine formula, Hamwi method, and BMI, the BMI is most popular and widely used method in determining the healthy weight of an individual for its simplicity to assess as how much an individual's body weight differ from what is normal or desirable for a person of his or her height.

Healthy weight in children is calculated the same way as for the adults, but then is compared to typical values of other children of the same age group. Instead of setting thresholds for healthy weight, underweight and overweight, the BMI percentile is compared with children of the same sex and age. People under 20 years of age with a BMI between the 85th and 95th percentile are considered to be overweight.

Also See:
»   BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)
»   BMR Calculator (daily calorie requirement)
»   Ideal Weight Calculator (for Adult)
»   Weight Management (for Adult)

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Adult Health
»  What is BMI
»  BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)
»  BMR Calculator (Find daily calorie requirement)
»  Ideal Weight Calculator (for Adult)
»  Weight Management (for Adult)
»  Body Fat Calculator
»  Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator
»  Ideal weight for Men
»  Ideal weight for Women
»  What is healthy weight
»  Weight loss tips
»  Underweight
»  Normal Weight
»  Slight Overweight
»  Overweight
»  Obese
»  What is Body Fat percentage (Body Fat Index)
»  Body Fat Index Calculator (Body Fat percentage)
»  Overweight Treatment
»  Underweight Treatment
»  Obesity Treatment
»  Calories burned in different activities
»  Calories in food (Find calories in common food items)
»  Blood sugar conversion
»  Volume to weight